for some reason i missed this event last year and i so want to go this time. art biesenthal is a small, privately organised art event outside berlin. the open weekend on 15 and 16 august sounds like the perfect resaon to take a look. the garden is open, there'll be a barbecue, a party and the opportunity to bring your own picnic - and just enjoy. obviously you go because you want to see the art - but i guess with this kind of programme you might even be able to convince a few friends to come along who feel a bit so-so about contemporary art. in any case, the line-up this year is quite impressive, artists include alicja kwade and via lewandowsky. what i find so fascinating about this place, is that it is an old building in the countryside not far from berlin (a 45 min train ride or drive away) that has been completely overhauled by an contemporary architect. which means, in this case, that only the facade of the old building was kept and a new building attached to its back. to me, that has a sort of movie set quality. very clever.
all pictures in this post: courtesy biesentahl.org. if i manage to go (this is one of the rare occasions where it would be really handy to have a car...), i'll post my own photos - and that's a promise!
art biesenthal 2009, 18 july-27 september 2009, open weekend 15-16 august, sat 12.00-24.00 h, sun 12.00-19.00 h, with barbecue, music and party, find more info here (including directions)
liebe kristina. was für ein zufall, ich weiss jetzt nicht recht, aber ich glaube samstag nacht, als ich an einer party war hat mir jemand von biesenthal erzählt....vielleicht verwechsle ich jetzt aber auch etwas ;-) muss nochmal nachfragen...du musst da unbedingt hingehen liebe kristina, klingt fantastisch, besonders natürlich auch das picknick...wenn ich jetzt noch ferien hätte, würde ich dich mit dem auto hinfahren...naja, können das ja auch nächstes jahr machen. habe immer mehr das gefühl, dass ich dringend nach berlin muss. liebe grüsse*
I've just stumbled on your site - as a new Berliner I'm delighted to have found you and will be adding you as a link on Berlin section of the blog roll!!
It looks great!! i love your blog;)
I hope you get to go because I'm looking forward to the photos. Sounds great. Looks great. I wish I was there!
Wow, love that combination of the old front and the very modern backside (if I understand it correctly). Very creative.
Wow, this looks great. I love the building! I have to keep this in mind!
woow ! it seems incredible.
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