very kindly, hiki of jollygoo has passed the lovely blog award my way. i'm feeling very honoured - her blog (and her shop!) is so full of inspiration, thank you so much hiki!
i would like to pass the award on to a number of people for writing blogs that often make my day, that i go back to time and again to be surprised, inspired or challenged.
there are many more, so making a choice is tough and i'm sure, as i'm typing this, that as soon as i've posted this i'll wonder how on earth i could not have mentioned tons of others. but i've already taken far too long to think about this, so here goes, the lovely blog award goes to:
april of picnic
polly of sotto voce
b of cuttings on a blog
julie of moments of perfect clarity
kristina of vigdis et al.
lea of lea bolvig
brinja of brinja
thank you so much, all! please pass the award on to others if you like.
thank you so much for passing the award though I didn't even do it properly!! Great links! I especially love "lea bolvig".
i am in some very good company here, thank you!! and i'm even going to manage to pass it along today, so even better!
how's it looking on coming to BC2.0? :-)
WV: is "rosing," pretty appropriate.
thanks for the award kristina! i'm honoured to recieve it. i'm so glad i have found your blog and a fellow photo enthusiast : )
von herzen danke liebe kristina. ich freue mich riesig über den award von dir! apfelbäume in usedom sind auch super. verstehe dich gut, dass du da hinfährst. und ja, biesenthal im nächsten jahr wär super. hab übrigens herausgefunden, dass wirklich leute aus biesenthal bei uns waren - kennst du das goldmund festival? die sind irgendwie verbandelt. umarm dich*
I'm honoured to get the Lovely blog award from a lovely blogger! :) Thanks so much!
I've been bad with awards lately, but I'm definitely passing this on soon!
thank you so much, Kristina, I'm honoured, and especially that it's coming from you! I'll post the award soon, I promise, once this crazy holidaying/blog-camping period is over
have a good weekend!
thank you so much kristina!
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