a berlin blog of the more personal sort.
if you are looking for a personal take on germany's buzzing capital, you are just about right here. i've been living in berlin for over ten years now and will update this site with anything i happen to come across, have liked for a long time or just feel like sharing with you. hope you enjoy!
take a look at the links posted below for more comprehensive overviews or useful info on berlin.
Love the new design! And oh, we must meet here for coffee with S once I'm back in town.
Hallo Kristina, ich bin durch Zufall auf deinen Blog gestossen, schön und inspirierend! Letztes Jahr, im Sommer, als ich Familie & Freunde besucht habe, war ich im Prinzessinnengarten, was für ein toller Ort! Wahrscheinlich werde ich mich vor meinem nächsten Berlinbesuch hier (auf deinem Blog) nach ein paar schönen Ideen umschauen :) Lieben Gruss, Lynne.
oo pretty photos!
Jaipur City Map
Agra the former capital of Hindustan, is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Agra city in India is known for the Taj Mahal. Get the information about Agra City, Agra City Map, Taj Agra, about Taj Mahal etc.
Jaipur City Map
here is Digitizing in it 8&%78^%&%&*
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